Sunday, August 27, 2006
There seems to be an “industry” manufacturing “new” facts about Islam and it is not limited to the Left. Take for instance Andrew J. Bacevich’s latest article in The American Conservative entitled “The Islamic Way of War” which starts with the following lead-in“Muslims have stopped fighting on Western terms—and have started winning.”After a lot of verbose nothings Dr. Bacevich makes the following seemingly-profound statement: “What the Islamic Way of War does mean to both Israel and to the United States is this: the Arabs now possess—and know that they possess—the capacity to deny us victory, especially in any altercation that occurs on their own turf and among their own people.”How easy is to fool this man! A simple analysis of the facts shows that that the new Arab capacity is nothing more than the use of their own brethren's life for political or military gain; getting more innocents among themselves killed. This tactic is effective today only because WE are willing or, better still, anxious to accept responsibility for their deaths.Even this so-called new capacity is not new to people familiar with that part of the world, which have seen these BASTARDS capable of maiming their own children so that they can send the crippled children to beg for charity on the street.I wonder who is more demented, them for using the new tactics or us for accepting so easily responsibility for their shameful tactics!
There seems to be an “industry” manufacturing “new” facts about Islam and it is not limited to the Left. Take for instance Andrew J. Bacevich’s latest article in The American Conservative entitled “The Islamic Way of War” which starts with the following lead-in“Muslims have stopped fighting on Western terms—and have started winning.”After a lot of verbose nothings Dr. Bacevich makes the following seemingly-profound statement: “What the Islamic Way of War does mean to both Israel and to the United States is this: the Arabs now possess—and know that they possess—the capacity to deny us victory, especially in any altercation that occurs on their own turf and among their own people.”How easy is to fool this man! A simple analysis of the facts shows that that the new Arab capacity is nothing more than the use of their own brethren's life for political or military gain; getting more innocents among themselves killed. This tactic is effective today only because WE are willing or, better still, anxious to accept responsibility for their deaths.Even this so-called new capacity is not new to people familiar with that part of the world, which have seen these BASTARDS capable of maiming their own children so that they can send the crippled children to beg for charity on the street.I wonder who is more demented, them for using the new tactics or us for accepting so easily responsibility for their shameful tactics!
The best article I read today. It is a shame that there are not more people thinking this way!
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